But this was only the first ruling in a line of many. The judge ruled that Schiavo was indeed in a persistant vegetative state and there was evidence to show that she would have wanted the feeding tube removed.
#Tobalt audify trial#
The year was now 2000, 10 years into her vegetative state. The trial was held in order to determine what Terri Schiavo would have wanted (to be kept on life support or to not be kept on life support) had she done a living will. Allegations flew back and forth, and eventually Michael's petition to have her feeding tube removed landed him, his in-laws, and Terri's lawyers in trial. It's unclear how much Terri's estate was worth, but it seems likely some of the $750,000 set aside from the Medical Malpractice lawsuit Michael had filed in 1992 remained. Terri had both. In Pearse's report to the court, he concludes that while Terri does indeed appear to be in a persistent vegetative state, Michael's desire to end her life may be influenced by the amount of money he would stand to inherit as her husband. A guardian ad litem is also appointed to protect one's interest if they have a trust. In California, when someone is under a conservatorship, the court also appoints an attorney to represent their (the conservatee's) interests. A second guardian ad litem (court-appointed attorney) was chosen for Terri named Richard Pearse. Her parents strongly opposed this action. The official Terri Schiavo case appears to have begun in earnest in 1998, when Michael Schiavo filed a petition with the court to have her feeding tube removed. Hope or no hope, Terri would live on feeding tubes for another 11 years. He received $2 million in damages, which was split mostly between his lawyers and a trust fund for Terri. Second, he requested a DNR (do not resuscitate) when Terri contracted a urinary tract infection. An attorney appointed to represent Schiavo's interest, called a guardian ad litem, would later tell the courts that Michael asked for the DNR because he believed there was no hope for Terri's recovery. First, he filed a massive medical malpractice suit against Terri's obstetrician for improper diagnosis of her infertility prior to her stroke.

During this time, Michael did two things that would effect the lawsuit that was later to come. There she received regular speech and occupational therapy, as well as neurological testing until 1994.
#Tobalt audify full#
She lived full time at the Sabal Palms Skilled Care Facility, near her husband and parents. In California, a legal guardian is called a conservator, and is appointed when there is no Power of Attorney document, or other healthcare directive. Within a year, Terri was diagnosed as being in a persistant vegetative state, defined by characteristics such as "absence of voluntary action," and an "inability to communicate or interact purposefully." Her husband, Michael, was appointed by the court as her legal guardian.

She suffered a massive stroke and was immediately intubated and ventilated. In February of 1990, Terry Schiavo had a heart attack at her Florida home. I'll leave out of a few of the more depressing details, as this was a complex and disturbing case on several levels. For those of you who don't recall the nasty details of this legal saga, here's a brief overview.

Politics aside, the Schiavo case is a frightening reminder of why we should all have a living will, known in California as an Advance Healthcare Directive. Schiavo's husband Michael called Jeb "disgusting" for using his personal family matter for a campaign ad.
#Tobalt audify tv#
Republican candidate Jeb Bush went all out for a recent tv ad, reminding viewers of his passionate involvement in the Terry Schiavo case during his term as governor of Florida.