In recent years, leukaemia molecular studies – as well as other types of cancer – have focused on molecular analysis with only one data layer, which provided a partial vision but did not allow researchers to create a precise map on the functions of the genome. Quezon City: New Day Publishing, 1985.Scientists generate an atlas of the human genome using stem cells… Light in Rizal’s Death Cell: The true story of Rizal’s last 24 hours on earth based on eyewitnesses’ testimonies and newspaper reports. He hesitated, turned halfway around to face his executioners, and fell on his back to face the Philippine sun. on Decemat Luneta, Manila, the 35-year-old patriot was shot in the back by a firing squad. I am going to die with a tranquil conscience.”Īt 7 a.m. Tomorrow at seven, I shall be shot but I am innocent of the crime of rebellion…. To his friend Ferdinand Blumentritt, he wrote: “When you receive this letter, I shall be dead by then…. In his last letter, addressed to Paciano Rizal, he asked his brother to ask their father for forgiveness for all the pain he had caused him. When his family came to see him, he asked pardon from his mother and talked to his sisters as they entered his cell one by one. He also wrote the poem “ Mi Ultimo Adiós,” which he concealed in an alcohol burner. In his last hours Rizal read the Bible and Thomas à Kempis’s Imitation of Christ, which he later dedicated to Josephine Bracken. (For more discussion on Rizal’s retraction, see Garcia, 1964 Guerrero, 1998 and Vaño, 1985). However, scholars are baffled as to why Rizal, who courageously faced persecution for most of his life, and who was finally sentenced to death for his beliefs, would suddenly balk at the last, futile moment. There was no record of anybody seeing this “original” document in 1896, except the publishers of La Voz Española, which published its contents on the day of Rizal’s execution: “We have seen and read his (Rizal’s) own handwritten retraction which he sent to our dear and venerable Archbishop….” Most experts think that the handwriting on the document is authentic. The “original” document of Rizal’s “retraction” was found in the archdiocesan archives in 1935, 39 years after having disappeared the day Rizal was shot. The controversy over Rizal’s retraction has not been settled. Bernardino Nozaleda, recalled: “During that day, although Rizal did not reject, he persisted in his errors contrary to the Catholic faith.… However, at the last hour, Rizal abjured, in writing, his religious errors.” In other words, Rizal, a Mason, was said to have recanted his statements against the Church and to have returned to the Catholic faith. There he received numerous visitors, including his counsel some Spanish officials and several priests, his former professors, with whom he supposedly discussed reason and religion. of December 29, Rizal was transferred to his death cell in Fort Santiago. His execution was scheduled the following day.Īt around 7 a.m. Rafael Dominguez read before Rizal his death sentence. The Spanish authorities believed that Rizal’s writings “fatally and necessarily” incited the rebellion which, by 1896, had already become a revolution.

On December 26, 1896, the military court tried Jose Rizal and later found him guilty of rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy.